We're expecting!

We're expecting!
Coming soon! Stephen and Janet will take you on their journey of their first pregnancy. We are both really excited to share this experience with the ones with love.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Expected due date only 19 days away....

Good evening everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays as much as we did. We are finally reaching the end of our pregnancy and we couldn't be more excited! We had a doctors appointment today and we are a little over 2+cm dilated and over 70% effaced. If he's not here by the 28th, we will have the option of getting induced sometime that week. We just hope for a smooth and safe delivery. It is so adorable seeing Steve (Grover) setting up the car seats and strollers in the cars. He's probably more excited than I am. He's going to be such a great dad!

I've done a horrible job at updating our blog but now that I am off work (maternity leave) I'll have more than enough time to update everyone in our last and final days of this adventure.

We really need to take the time and thank many of you for all that you guys have done for us. Between friends, co-workers, family, etc... we had a total of 5 baby showers. Slightly insane but beyond grateful for every single person who made these past few months so memorable for us. We are overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of you all. We attempted to send out thank you notes to everyone but it was so hard to keep track of everything. I lack organization skills but we did intend to send them out. We seriously cannot express our love and appreciation for you all. THANK YOU!

Our good friend Sharon from Fetal Memories Ultrasounds (located in Orange) was able to capture a few images of our son Braxton at 34 weeks. If anyone is in need of ultrasounds, message me and I'll give you her information.

Our nursery is finally complete! I will be taking updated photos tomorrow and I'll make sure to post them too. We decided to make his nursery law enforcement themed. Not only is it unique but we felt that it would be a small way for him to grow up knowing a little of his amazing uncle that is no longer with us. We used some photos of his patrol unit that he had taken himself and some other awesome images as well. Cannot wait to share them with you guys.

And finally... I wanted to share with you all a picture of our vintage pram we finally received this past week. I had purchased it months ago and had a hard time dealing with shipping but it's here! Steve (Grover) is helping me with the restoration process and we shall have it ready for Braxton to cruise in. 

Thanks again for taking the time to read our updates and we cannot wait to share more with you all!

Much love, Janet, Steve (Grover), and Braxton.