We're expecting!

We're expecting!
Coming soon! Stephen and Janet will take you on their journey of their first pregnancy. We are both really excited to share this experience with the ones with love.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Making it public!

Good morning everyone,

On Thursday, July 26th 2012, we went public on our first pregnancy at 12 weeks 4 days! That day also happened to be Stephens 27th birthday. We previously made sure we told family members and close friends first before posting it on any type of social networking site. We can't thank you all enough for all the sweet messages, calls, and texts congratulating us. We appreciate all the kind wishes and I hope that with this blog, you'll be able to experience the good, the bad, and the excitement that comes along with pregnancies. We will try to update you all often and thanks again for all your love and support.

On Wednesday the 25th, we had our first trimester screening which evaluates and identifies the risk for specific chromosomal abnormalities. Luckily, everything turned out negative and with our fingers crosses, we hope everything will be as healthy as can be!
                                        Janet, Stephen, and baby.

Here is a photo of how we announced it on social media sites.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to following your journey (on this blog) during this exciting time in your lives. Love you.
