We're expecting!

We're expecting!
Coming soon! Stephen and Janet will take you on their journey of their first pregnancy. We are both really excited to share this experience with the ones with love.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Inspirations for our baby nursery & reaching our 15 weeks!

Good morning everyone!

So here we are! Getting close to the 15 week part of our pregnancy. We just had another doctors appointment and everything sounded really good. The babys heart rate was at 150 which is normal. I anxiously asked our doctor when we will be able to have the anatomy ultrasound (to find out the sex of the baby) and he said I have to wait 6 more weeks!!! I am so impatient! Steve and I couldn't wait and have started working on that baby nursery.

As many of you know, my style is quite unique. I have never liked the usual pinks, blues, yellows, and greens on baby room themes. My dream theme is a mix of elegance and goth. I did a bit of research and bold contrasting colors are better for the babys development than pastels. I will wait to post the actual pictures of our nursery once I get a bit more done. I am a tad bit picky and wanted a chandelier from out of state and paintings from Texas which will take a while for us to get everything in....but I just HAD to have them! I will post some pictures of different things that have inspired our vision on this out of the ordinary baby nursery.

I am so lucky I have such a wonderful fiancee that is just as excited about what we are doing. He never misses doctors appointments and is always making sure I just sit back and let him do everything.

Thanks again everyone for the well wishes and thoughts!

                             Love,   Janet & Steve


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